Wednesday 5 September 2012

My first lucid dream

I have been trying to become lucid in my dreams for quite a while now (6 months). I kept a dream journal but because I am divorced with two children… I found it hard to keep the journal updated every morning. I started doing reality checks during the day, simple things like counting the fingers on my hands and trying to push my right hand through my left palm. I did not have any success, until the other night! In my dream I was standing in a toilet ready to take a leak, and the strangest thing is that the there were two toilets, I flushed one and the other flushed too. I then looked down at my privates, and I had two! Wow I thought how strange, I then looked at my left hand and counted my fingers I had 6 or 7, but they were quite a blur! I then knew I was dreaming! I walked into the next room and my family was there, including my brother who lives in Australia (Allan)! I then tried to convince Allan that I was lucid dreaming; He was having none of it… I thought by pushing my right hand through my left palm would convince him, so I tried, at first I failed! I just could not do it, I then tried slowly, and bang! My hand went right through, there was a bit of blood and my fingers came out in different angles on the other side! There was no pain! Allan found this disgusting, but he still remained unconvinced. I then noticed that Allan and the whole family were watching something on a television positioned high on a corner of a wall. I asked Allan if I could tell him what was going to happen next on the program they were watching, would he believe me? He agreed! I then tried to go forward in time with the idea of watching the film in the future then coming back and telling him what was going to happen! When I tried to do this… I woke up! I tired to get back to sleep, but could! So I did a reality check to see that I did not have a false awakening! And I was truly awake! It was a truly amazing experience, everything was seemed so real! I wished it lasted longer though; the whole experience seemed like only a couple of minutes.